Kershaw Assisted Opening Knives for Sale


Not every brand has a good selection of knives available. Fortunately, there are the Kershaw assisted opening knives that offer a wide variety with an equally varied price range. The company has everyday carry knives for every grip, budget, and blade preference.

What Is an Assisted Opening Knife

An assisted opening knife is one that uses springs or a torsion bar to help the blade deploy. There are thumb studs or a flipper to allow the user to open the knife a short distance manually. Once the blade clears the edge of the handle, the springs or bar kick in and flip the knife open the rest of the way.

A flipper offers an ambidextrous opening, but if there are only thumb studs, it’s important to check that there are two. Some knives only have a single thumb stud for right-handed opening, which can leave lefties looking for another knife.

Why Choose a Kershaw Knife


Kershaw is a part of Kai USA, so all the knives are manufactured in the States. For those who prefer to buy American, Kershaw is a great company to choose.

Kershaw has a huge range of knives made with a wide variety of materials in multiple styles. Whether you’re looking for drop points, clip points, tantos, spear tips, Wharncliffe, whatever, Kershaw has a knife for you.

The company has both higher and medium quality knives, though all are made with the same attention to detail and design that makes a knife great. Design is one of the most important aspects of knife making, and a poorly designed knife can’t be helped by using high-quality materials. However, a well-designed knife made with medium quality materials is an amazing knife.

We are committed to providing you with the best buying experience possible, so reach out to us today and let us provide you with the right edged blade for your needs.