Hiking Knife Survival for Sale


Whether you’re seeking solitude on your own or spending quality time with your friends and family, not many activities are as enjoyable as a good long hike through the woods. Not many activities can change from enjoyable to dangerous as quickly either. Weather changes, injuries, dangerous animals and even dangerous humans can turn a relaxing day into a nightmare in an instant. You wouldn’t think about hitting the trail without enough water and supplies, so why wouldn’t you carry a quality hiking knife as well?

Hiking or Survival?

The fact is, when you’re in the wilderness, you never know when a survival situation is going to happen. Even if you’re close to the trailhead, you’re not necessarily home free. For that reason, you want to have more than just a regular pocket knife with you. A knife that will stand up to the elements and some punishment is a must. You’ll need a blade to perform tasks from preparing a fire to administering first aid. It pays to practice too, so before you head outdoors, try out your knife at home and get familiar with it.


The best knife that money can buy won’t help you if you don’t have it with you. A hiking knife must be easy to carry and easy to access. Knives with lots of options are great, but you’ll be hiking so you need to factor in the knife’s size and weight too. A medium sized knife with a blade under 4-inches is a good place to start.

Digging through your backpack as you search for your knife isn’t an option either. A smartly placed clip will allow for deep pocket carry, keeping your knife secure, within reach, and ready for action.

At Off-Grid Knives we are experts when it comes to knives designed for hiking and survival, so we’re here to answer any questions you have. We are committed to providing you with the best buying experience possible, so reach out to us today and let us provide you with the right edged blade for your needs.

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